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Text File | 1991-12-05 | 7.2 KB | 279 lines | [TEXT/MSWD] |
- The compiled version of this file can be used to convert a
- MacBinary file to the forked format used by the Macintosh.
- This is useful if you have a modem on the PC, but no way
- to conveniently get MacUsable copies of UnStuffIt and MB2MAC
- onto the Mac. To gain MacBinary capability, compile this and
- use it on both MB2MAC.SIT and UNSTUFF.SEA. The Mac format
- UNSTUFF can then be used to unpack MB2MAC.SIT, which goes into
- the Apple File Exchange folder. At that point, you can eliminate
- the extra step of using this program to convert everything. I would
- recoment using MB2MAC anyway, because this program is not what
- I would call "Industrial Strength".
- I originally wrote this program using a resource file, hence
- the _SOURCEONLY_ define found down below. Transfering a resource
- file didn't make a whole lot of sense, so the program has been
- changed to allow text only uploads and downloads.
- This program is hereby placed into the public domain. If you choose
- to distribute it (please do!!), please distribute it unchanged. I
- wrote it in Think C, but there is no compiler specific stuff except
- maybe the <Menus.h> include file.
- This program works on my mac, therefore it should work on yours. The
- only programs that I've tested it on are MB2MAC.SIT and STUFFIT.SEA.
- By the way, this is the first Macintosh program I've ever done. I
- haven't included any 'in progress' information, so don't panic
- if nothing seems to be happening if you are converting a large file.
- This file was originally saved using the DOS style newlines. If you
- ran it through Apple File Exchange using the default translation, do
- it again, this time using the text translation method.
- There are two files on CIS that explain how this program does
- what it does. If interested, check out MACBIN.STD and MB2STD.TXT.
- I've forgotten which forums they are in.
- David Schooley, CIS ID: 72571,2543
- November 18, 1991
- */
- #include <Menus.h>
- #define _SOURCEONLY_
- int MacEventCheck(void);
- int DoMenu(long startPoint);
- void DoTranslate(void);
- #define APPLEID 128
- #define FILEID 129
- #define EDITID 130
- #define APPLEM 0
- #define FILEM 1
- #define EDITM 2
- #ifndef _SOURCEONLY_
- #define MENUCOUNT 3
- #else
- #define MENUCOUNT 2
- #endif
- MenuHandle menuList[MENUCOUNT];
- int main()
- {
- int fileID;
- int i;
- /* Initialize the Mac */
- InitGraf(&thePort);
- InitFonts();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
- InitWindows();
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(NULL);
- InitCursor();
- /* Set up the menu bar */
- InitMenus();
- #ifndef _SOURCEONLY_
- /* This section is only compiled if _SOURCEONLY_ is NOT defined */
- GetResource('MENU', fileID);
- menuList[APPLEM] = GetMenu(APPLEID);
- AddResMenu(menuList[APPLEM], 'DRVR');
- menuList[FILEM] = GetMenu(FILEID);
- menuList[EDITM] = GetMenu(EDITID);
- #else
- /* This section is compiled if _SOURCEONLY_ is defined. */
- menuList[APPLEM] = NewMenu(APPLEID, "\p\024");
- /* I have yet to figure out why the above statement puts up */
- /* the Apple, but it works! */
- /* Now enable the apple menu list */
- AddResMenu(menuList[APPLEM], 'DRVR');
- menuList[FILEM] = NewMenu(FILEID, "\pFile");
- /* Now add the menu items */
- AppendMenu(menuList[FILEM], "\pOpen/O;(-;Quit/Q");
- #endif
- /* Do the rest all of the time */
- for (i = 0; i < MENUCOUNT; i++)
- InsertMenu(menuList[i], 0);
- DrawMenuBar();
- /* Do the event loop */
- while(MacEventCheck());
- }
- int MacEventCheck(void)
- {
- EventRecord currentEvent;
- Point mouseLoc;
- WindowPtr hotWindow;
- int result;
- SystemTask(); /* Be nice to the rest of the system */
- if(!GetNextEvent(everyEvent, ¤tEvent))
- return(-1);
- /* If we are this far, that means something happened */
- switch (currentEvent.what) {
- case mouseDown: GetMouse(&mouseLoc);
- switch(FindWindow(mouseLoc, &hotWindow)) {
- case inSysWindow: SystemClick(¤tEvent, hotWindow);
- break;
- case inMenuBar: result = DoMenu(MenuSelect(mouseLoc));
- break;
- case inDrag: /* DragWindow(hotWindow, mouseLoc, DragRect);*/
- break;
- } /* End of 'FindWindow' switch */
- } /* End the switch here for now */
- return(result);
- }
- int DoMenu(long start)
- {
- int theItem;
- int result;
- Str255 name;
- theItem = LoWord(start);
- switch (HiWord(start)) {
- case APPLEID:
- GetItem(menuList[APPLEM], theItem, &name);
- OpenDeskAcc(name);
- result = -1;
- break;
- case FILEID:
- switch (theItem) {
- case 1: DoTranslate();
- result = 0;
- break;
- case 3: result = 0;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void DoTranslate(void)
- {
- /* Data for the input file */
- SFReply fileStruct;
- Str255 inputPrompt = "Input File";
- SFTypeList typeList;
- Point diaStart = {30,30};
- int inputReferenceNum;
- char header[128];
- long inputCount = 128;
- /* Pointers to header information */
- long *fileType;
- long *fileCreator;
- char *finderFlags;
- long *dataForkLength;
- long *resForkLength;
- int *getInfoLength;
- /* Other variables
- long resourceLength, dataLength;
- /* Data for the output file */
- SFReply outputFileStruct;
- Str255 outputPrompt = "\0xCOutput File";
- Str255 initialOut = "";
- Point diaStartOut = {30, 30};
- int outputReferenceNum;
- int outputResRefNum;
- long dataLength, resourceLength;
- outputFileStruct.good = 0;
- SFGetFile(diaStart, inputPrompt, NULL, -1, typeList, NULL, &fileStruct);
- if (fileStruct.good)
- SFPutFile(diaStartOut, outputPrompt, initialOut, NULL, &outputFileStruct);
- if (outputFileStruct.good) {
- /* If we are here, then we got valid entries for both dialogs */
- /* Open up the input file using the data we got from the dialog*/
- if (FSOpen(fileStruct.fName, fileStruct.vRefNum, &inputReferenceNum) != noErr)
- return;
- /* Read in the header information */
- SetFPos(inputReferenceNum, fsFromStart, 0);
- FSRead(inputReferenceNum, &inputCount, header);
- fileType = (long*) &header[65];
- fileCreator = (long*) &header[69];
- finderFlags = &header[73];
- dataForkLength = (long*) &header[83];
- resForkLength = (long*) &header[87];
- getInfoLength = (int*) &header[99];
- dataLength = *dataForkLength;
- resourceLength = *resForkLength;
- /* Create the output file */
- if (Create(outputFileStruct.fName, outputFileStruct.vRefNum, *fileCreator, *fileType) != noErr)
- return;
- FSOpen(outputFileStruct.fName, outputFileStruct.vRefNum, &outputReferenceNum);
- /* Transfer the data fork first */
- inputCount = 128;
- SetFPos(inputReferenceNum, fsFromStart, 128);
- for(; dataLength > 0; dataLength -= 128) {
- FSRead(inputReferenceNum, &inputCount, header);
- if (dataLength >= 128)
- FSWrite(outputReferenceNum, &inputCount, header);
- else
- FSWrite(outputReferenceNum, &dataLength, header);
- }
- /* Now transfer the resource fork */
- OpenRF(outputFileStruct.fName, outputFileStruct.vRefNum, &outputResRefNum);
- for (; resourceLength > 0; resourceLength -= 128) {
- FSRead(inputReferenceNum, &inputCount, header);
- if (resourceLength >= 128)
- FSWrite(outputResRefNum, &inputCount, header);
- else
- FSWrite(outputResRefNum, &resourceLength, header);
- }
- /* All done, now close the file */
- FSClose(outputReferenceNum);
- FSClose(outputResRefNum);
- FSClose(inputReferenceNum);
- FlushVol(outputFileStruct.fName, outputReferenceNum);
- FlushVol(outputFileStruct.fName, outputResRefNum);
- }
- }